Mohenic Motors UB46E M
The UB46E M is an electric moped from electric vehicle manufacturer Mohenic Motors from South-Korea.
The moped is manufactured in Korea using domestic technologies and is truly Made in 🇰🇷 কোরিয়া
The moped has a powerful ৮,০০০ ওয়াট electric motor in the rear wheel that provides a top speed of ১০০ কিলোমিটার/ঘণ্টা.
The moped has an integrated lithium battery that provides a driving range of ১৩২.৭ কিলোমিটার. The moped has an integrated on-board charge system that supports fast charging in ৩০ মিনিট, regular charging using a 220v wall outlet or slow charging using a car plug, which is a unique innovation.
The moped is available in two versions: Classic and M, with identical performance specs but different styling.
Store in Store
Mohenic Motors has adopted an innovative store in store
retail strategy to promote its electric vehicles. Its vehicles have many accessories and options for styling and personalization that customers can experience and purchase in their stores.
Smart Moped
The moped connects to a mobile phone app named PONY for access to state of the art features including keyless start.
In Korea, the moped is available as an all-inclusive rental option that includes insurance, for a price of ১১,২২৩.৬৫৳ per month.
The moped has many accessoires and can be equipped with a wide range of cargo and transport cases for business or travel purposes.
The moped is available in any color and with a custom business print. The moped can be fully customized by the factory to meet any business requirement.
The moped can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.
2025 Mohenic Motors Models
Mohenic Motors brand profile and 2025 model overview: 🛵🌏 এশিয়ান বিক্রেতা
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